Gears of War 4 (PC) Badge

Gears of War 4 (PC)

Release Date: 10/11/2016
Achievements Summary: 44/164 (26.83%)
Game Page

Gears of War 4 - Base Game

Achievements Summary: 31/75 (41.33%)

Gears of War 4 - Base Game Icon

And We're Back

Completed the Prologue and watched opening credits

10/12/2016 07:31 PM

Gears of War 4 - Base Game Icon

Zen and the Art of Reloading

Performed 25 perfect active reloads

10/12/2016 08:00 PM

Gears of War 4 - Base Game Icon


Recovered 5 Campaign collectibles

10/12/2016 08:12 PM

Gears of War 4 - Base Game Icon

Raiding is what Outsiders Do

Liberated a Fabricator from Settlement 5

10/16/2016 07:06 PM

Gears of War 4 - Base Game Icon

When it Leads to War

Defended your Outsider Village from the COG

10/16/2016 07:27 PM

Gears of War 4 - Base Game Icon

Welcome Home

Escaped from your childhood home

10/16/2016 07:55 PM

Gears of War 4 - Base Game Icon

Jinn's Overreaction

Defeated the Vulture while riding on a Track Mule

10/16/2016 08:30 PM

Gears of War 4 - Base Game Icon

Pack Rat

Recovered 10 Campaign collectibles

10/16/2016 08:34 PM

Gears of War 4 - Base Game Icon

As If Snatchers Weren't Bad Enough

Survived the Pouncer ambush outside of the tram station

10/17/2016 08:00 PM

Gears of War 4 - Base Game Icon

One Hell of an Exhibit

Survived the onslaught of Swarm while holding up in the museum

10/17/2016 09:00 PM

Gears of War 4 - Base Game Icon

Warriors, Kings… Wizards.

Survived the King's chamber and discovered a way out of the catacombs

10/18/2016 06:47 PM

Gears of War 4 - Base Game Icon

Looks Like an Elevator to Hell

Rode the ore transporter to the bottom of the mine

10/23/2016 12:12 PM

Gears of War 4 - Base Game Icon

I Live. I Die. I Live Again!

Rescued someone from inside a Snatcher

10/23/2016 12:35 PM

Gears of War 4 - Base Game Icon

You Smell Bad

Rescued Marcus from the Snatcher pod

10/23/2016 12:42 PM

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Ran over 15 enemies with the Loader

10/23/2016 12:44 PM

Gears of War 4 - Base Game Icon

But You Can't Pick Your Family

Found 5 weapons in snot bubbles

10/23/2016 12:59 PM

Gears of War 4 - Base Game Icon

And You Said We Couldn't Fly

Rode the ore transporter counterweight cable

10/23/2016 01:05 PM

Gears of War 4 - Base Game Icon

Still Not Ironic

Restored power to the Dam by resetting the generators

10/29/2016 01:18 PM

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Triple Play

Killed 3 enemies with a single Buzzkill shot

10/29/2016 01:59 PM

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Broadcast This!

Defeated the Speaker and his Swarmak mount

10/29/2016 02:22 PM

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Gold Digger

Spent 100,000 power in the Fabricator (across all sessions)

11/04/2016 11:51 AM

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Long Enough We'll Need This

Defended the Speyer Radio Tower while waiting for backup

11/04/2016 12:06 PM

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The Sound Of Silence

Carried the Customized Lancer Marcus gave you to the end of Act V Chapter 2

11/04/2016 12:06 PM

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Betty's My Kind of Girl

Fought your way to the Dam using Jack Jr. and Second Betty

11/04/2016 12:23 PM

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Not Going to Stop Us, Right?

Defeated the Hive Boss

11/04/2016 12:31 PM

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Ready for More

Completed all Campaign Acts

11/04/2016 12:36 PM

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Stop Hitting Yourself

Killed a Guardian with a Guardian weapon

03/18/2017 08:15 PM

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At First I Was Afraid, I Was Petrified

Survived the first 10 consecutive waves of Horde in a squad

03/18/2017 09:05 PM

Gears of War 4 - Base Game Icon

Call a Dr. If Lasting More than 4 Teammates

Resurrected 4 teammates using the Fabricator

03/18/2017 10:21 PM

Gears of War 4 - Base Game Icon

Level 10

Reached level 10

03/18/2017 10:55 PM

Gears of War 4 - Base Game Icon

It's a Start

Earned 1000 Credits lifetime

03/10/2018 08:50 PM

Gears of War 4 - Base Game Icon

I Choose Violence

Completed 50 consecutive waves of Horde as Heavy on Insane in a squad (any map)


Gears of War 4 - Base Game Icon

Job's Done

Completed 50 consecutive waves of Horde as Engineer on Insane in a squad (any map)


Gears of War 4 - Base Game Icon

Oh What a Day! What a Lovely Day!

Completed 50 consecutive waves of Horde as Soldier on Insane in a squad (any map)


Gears of War 4 - Base Game Icon

I Have Approximate Knowledge of Many Things

Completed 50 consecutive waves of Horde as Scout on Insane in a squad (any map)


Gears of War 4 - Base Game Icon

Give a Name. Any Name.

Completed 50 consecutive waves of Horde as Sniper on Insane in a squad (any map)


Gears of War 4 - Base Game Icon

To Go Fast, Go Alone. To Go Far, Go Together

Won an Insane Co-op Versus match


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Teamwork Makes the Dream Work!

Won a Normal Co-op Versus match


Gears of War 4 - Base Game Icon

Talent Gets Kills, Teamwork Wins Games!

Won a Hardcore Co-op Versus match


Gears of War 4 - Base Game Icon

How's it Going to Work? Teamwork!

Won a Casual Co-op Versus match


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Bounty Hunter

Completed 20 Bounties


Gears of War 4 - Base Game Icon

Look out! Uh… Never Mind

Killed 25 enemies by dropping pods on them


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Now That's a Knife!

Killed 10 enemies with combat knife after yanking or kicking


Gears of War 4 - Base Game Icon

Say Hello to My Little Friend

Got the final winning kill in Arms Race


Gears of War 4 - Base Game Icon

Big Ol Hero

Got the "Big Ol Hero" Ribbon ten times


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Bilford Bogin!

Completed 50 consecutive waves of Horde in a squad


Gears of War 4 - Base Game Icon

I've Killed Things, Seen Places

Completed 50 consecutive waves of Horde in a squad on every Launch Series map


Gears of War 4 - Base Game Icon

Skills That Make Me a Nightmare

Upgraded 5 Skill cards to level 5


Gears of War 4 - Base Game Icon

I'm Drumpf

Earned 100000 Credits lifetime


Gears of War 4 - Base Game Icon

Moving on up!

Earned 10000 Credits lifetime.


Gears of War 4 - Base Game Icon

Sugar Daddy

Deposited 1,000,000 power in the Fabricator lifetime


Gears of War 4 - Base Game Icon

Please Sir, Can I Have Some More?

Re-upped ten times


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Thank You, Sir. May I Have Another?

Re-upped once


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Pounsus Interruptus

Killed a Pouncer mid-pounce with Shotgun or Chainsaw


Gears of War 4 - Base Game Icon


Crafted a card


Gears of War 4 - Base Game Icon

Master Craftsman

Crafted a Legendary card


Gears of War 4 - Base Game Icon

Tea. Earl Grey. Hot.

Upgraded Fabricator to maximum level


Gears of War 4 - Base Game Icon

Whoomp, There It Is!

They Yanked, you Shanked


Gears of War 4 - Base Game Icon

Ranked and Filed

Achieved a rank in one Core and one Competitive game mode


Gears of War 4 - Base Game Icon

Custom Made

Won a Match using a non-Starter Character and non-default Weapon Skin


Gears of War 4 - Base Game Icon

Chest Candy

Earned one of each launch Ribbon


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Classy Move

Reached level 10 in one Horde class


Gears of War 4 - Base Game Icon

Come And Knock on My Door

Completed one Act in Co-op Campaign


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Rollin' With the Homies

Earned the maximum Consecutive Match Bonus in Versus


Gears of War 4 - Base Game Icon

Stay Classy

Reached level 10 in every launch Horde class


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I Have a Very Particular Set of Skills

Upgraded a Skill Card to level 5


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Brothers Till The End

Completed all Campaign Acts in Co-op (any difficulty)


Gears of War 4 - Base Game Icon

Remember the Fallen

Recovered all COG Tags in Campaign


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Recovered all Campaign collectibles


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The Night is Dark and Full of Terrors

Completed all Campaign Acts on Insane difficulty


Gears of War 4 - Base Game Icon

Learned the Hard Way

Completed all Campaign Acts on Hardcore or Insane difficulty


Gears of War 4 - Base Game Icon

Drop the Beat… down.

Got 3 Dropshot headshots


Gears of War 4 - Base Game Icon

Gone With The Windflare

Killed 15 enemies using the environment during a windflare


Gears of War 4 - Base Game Icon

Seriously 4.0

Completed Insane Campaign, ribbons, rank placements, Horde maps, re-ups, classes and five skills


Gears of War 4 - Base Game Icon

Level 50

Reached level 50


Gears of War 4 - Rise of the Horde

Achievements Summary: 0/20 (0%)

Gears of War 4 - Rise of the Horde Icon

Pumping Iron

Completed all Campaign Acts on Ironman (Hardcore, Insane, or Inconceivable difficulty)


Gears of War 4 - Rise of the Horde Icon

Legends of Sera

Completed all Campaign Acts on Ironman in Co-op on Hardcore or higher difficulty


Gears of War 4 - Rise of the Horde Icon


Completed all Campaign Acts on Inconceivable difficulty


Gears of War 4 - Rise of the Horde Icon

Winning Hand

Upgraded 5 Skill Cards to Level 6


Gears of War 4 - Rise of the Horde Icon


Upgraded all Skill Cards for one Horde class to Level 6


Gears of War 4 - Rise of the Horde Icon

Six is the New Five

Upgraded a Skill Card to Level 6


Gears of War 4 - Rise of the Horde Icon

The Great Battle of our Time

Completed 50 consecutive waves of Horde as Engineer on Ironman (Hardcore or higher) in a squad


Gears of War 4 - Rise of the Horde Icon

To Survive a War, You Gotta Become War

Completed 50 consecutive waves of Horde as Heavy on Ironman (Hardcore or higher) in a squad


Gears of War 4 - Rise of the Horde Icon

You Win Or You Die

Completed 50 consecutive waves of Horde as Scout on Ironman (Hardcore or higher) in a squad


Gears of War 4 - Rise of the Horde Icon

Never Know What Hit ‘em

Completed 50 consecutive waves of Horde as Sniper on Ironman (Hardcore or higher) in a squad


Gears of War 4 - Rise of the Horde Icon

Tactical Necessity

Completed 50 consecutive waves of Horde as Soldier on Ironman (Hardcore or higher) in a squad


Gears of War 4 - Rise of the Horde Icon

You. Shall Not. Pass!

Completed 50 consecutive waves of Horde as Engineer on Inconceivable in a squad (any map)


Gears of War 4 - Rise of the Horde Icon

Nothing Is Over!

Completed 50 consecutive waves of Horde as Heavy on Inconceivable in a squad (any map)


Gears of War 4 - Rise of the Horde Icon

A Scout Always Pays Their Debts

Completed 50 consecutive waves of Horde as Scout on Inconceivable in a squad (any map)


Gears of War 4 - Rise of the Horde Icon

I’ve Got You In My Sights

Completed 50 consecutive waves of Horde as Soldier on Inconceivable in a squad (any map)


Gears of War 4 - Rise of the Horde Icon

Mind Blown

Completed 50 consecutive waves of Horde as Sniper on Inconceivable in a squad (any map)


Gears of War 4 - Rise of the Horde Icon

Scrap Happy

Destroyed a card


Gears of War 4 - Rise of the Horde Icon


Crafted a Craft Only card


Gears of War 4 - Rise of the Horde Icon

Around The World

Completed 50 consecutive waves of Horde in a squad on five Post Launch maps


Gears of War 4 - Rise of the Horde Icon

New Horizons

Completed 50 consecutive waves of Horde in a squad on any Post Launch map


Gears of War 4 - September Update

Achievements Summary: 13/18 (72.22%)

Gears of War 4 - September Update Icon

Two Chapters

Completed two Campaign Chapters (any difficulty)

11/04/2016 12:36 PM

Gears of War 4 - September Update Icon

Three Chapters

Completed three Campaign Chapters (any difficulty)

11/04/2016 12:36 PM

Gears of War 4 - September Update Icon

Four Chapters

Completed four Campaign Chapters (any difficulty)

11/04/2016 12:36 PM

Gears of War 4 - September Update Icon

Five Chapters

Completed five Campaign Chapters (any difficulty)

11/04/2016 12:36 PM

Gears of War 4 - September Update Icon

Six Chapters

Completed six Campaign Chapters (any difficulty)

11/04/2016 12:36 PM

Gears of War 4 - September Update Icon

Seven Chapters

Completed seven Campaign Chapters (any difficulty)

11/04/2016 12:36 PM

Gears of War 4 - September Update Icon

Eight Chapters

Completed eight Campaign Chapters (any difficulty)

11/04/2016 12:36 PM

Gears of War 4 - September Update Icon

Twelve Chapters

Completed twelve Campaign Chapters (any difficulty)

11/04/2016 12:36 PM

Gears of War 4 - September Update Icon

Twenty Chapters

Completed twenty Campaign Chapters (any difficulty)

11/04/2016 12:36 PM

Gears of War 4 - September Update Icon


Earned 5 Ribbons

03/19/2017 12:27 AM

Gears of War 4 - September Update Icon

Level 5

Reached Level 5

03/19/2017 12:27 AM

Gears of War 4 - September Update Icon

Level Up!

Reached level 2 in one Horde class

05/20/2017 08:47 PM

Gears of War 4 - September Update Icon

Level 15

Reached Level 15

03/10/2018 08:36 PM

Gears of War 4 - September Update Icon

Triple Threat

Upgraded 3 skill cards


Gears of War 4 - September Update Icon

Level 20

Reached Level 20


Gears of War 4 - September Update Icon

And Both of Us Are Back

Completed the Prologue in Co-op (any difficulty)


Gears of War 4 - September Update Icon

Becoming Brothers

Completed two Campaign Acts in Co-op (any difficulty)


Gears of War 4 - September Update Icon

Bot Killer

Killed 25 enemies in Co-op Versus matches


Gears of War 4 - December Update

Achievements Summary: 0/10 (0%)

Gears of War 4 - December Update Icon

Better Than Bacon

Mmmm.. You collected 5 Midnight Omen Weapon Skins!


Gears of War 4 - December Update Icon

I Like Em Crispy

You like em crispy on the outside with your 5 Flaming Weapon Skins!


Gears of War 4 - December Update Icon


You collected 10 Cards from Series 3!


Gears of War 4 - December Update Icon

Best Teammate

You had your fellow Gears back like a buttcrack with 1000 assists.


Gears of War 4 - December Update Icon

Master At Arms

You're just plain talented with every weapon!


Gears of War 4 - December Update Icon

Veteran Gear

You are no stranger to war with 100 combat hours logged.


Gears of War 4 - December Update Icon

Tour De Force

You've toured every map in the game.


Gears of War 4 - December Update Icon

I'm In The Zone

Little Suzie would be proud. You bested 10 players without dying.


Gears of War 4 - December Update Icon

Pick Me Up

You made intelligent use of free resources and beat the campaign without using the Lancer or Gnasher


Gears of War 4 - December Update Icon

Momma Said I Can't Die

Are you THE JD Fenix? The one who conquered Inconceivable solo? Wow. Cool!


Gears of War 4 - March Update

Achievements Summary: 0/11 (0%)

Gears of War 4 - March Update Icon

Know Your Role: Soldier

The Soldier is all about defensive consistency, and you did just that for your team.


Gears of War 4 - March Update Icon

Know Your Role: Sniper

Your precision Sniper skills eliminated 30 high-threat enemies for your team.


Gears of War 4 - March Update Icon

Know Your Role: Heavy

You kept the damage coming with reloaded weapons from Weapons Lockers as a Heavy


Gears of War 4 - March Update Icon

In and Out

You kept order in the face of chaos and beat Horde Lite or Frenzy on Insane!


Gears of War 4 - March Update Icon

Quick and Dirty

You didn't stop to sell cookies and beat Horde Lite or Frenzy!


Gears of War 4 - March Update Icon

Know Your Role: Scout

You used the Scout's talents to maximize your power gain for your team.


Gears of War 4 - March Update Icon

Know Your Role: Engineer

You used the Engineer's talents to build 10 improved fortifications.


Gears of War 4 - March Update Icon

School of '08

You might not have Boomshields to help you, but you conquered 50 waves without defenses!


Gears of War 4 - March Update Icon

Getting Competitive

It got sweaty, but you won 25 matches in Competitive playlists


Gears of War 4 - March Update Icon

I'm On Fire!

You've proved you're a true Grub Killer with a positive KD ratio.


Gears of War 4 - March Update Icon

Slaying It

You left your mark on the battlefield with 5000 dead opponents!


Gears of War 4 - June Update

Achievements Summary: 0/15 (0%)

Gears of War 4 - June Update Icon

Do You Even Lift?

You mastered one of the toughest Horde maps with just Soldiers on Insane!


Gears of War 4 - June Update Icon

The Perfect Run

Jeez louise! You beat Insane Horde without any deaths on your team.


Gears of War 4 - June Update Icon

You Are The Support Son!

You beat Insane Horde without spending any Power!


Gears of War 4 - June Update Icon

Longshot Mastery

You proved your mastery with the Longshot!


Gears of War 4 - June Update Icon

Dropshot Mastery

You proved your mastery with the Dropshot!


Gears of War 4 - June Update Icon

Boomshot Mastery

You proved your mastery with the Boomshot!


Gears of War 4 - June Update Icon

Markza Mastery

You proved your mastery with the Markza!


Gears of War 4 - June Update Icon

Torque Bow Mastery

You proved your mastery with the Torque Bow!


Gears of War 4 - June Update Icon

Enforcer Mastery

You proved your mastery with the Enforcer!


Gears of War 4 - June Update Icon

Overkill Mastery

You proved your mastery with the Overkill!


Gears of War 4 - June Update Icon

EMBAR Mastery

You proved your mastery with the EMBAR!


Gears of War 4 - June Update Icon

Hammerburst Mastery

You proved your mastery with the Hammerburst!


Gears of War 4 - June Update Icon

Retro Lancer Mastery

You proved your mastery with the Retro Lancer!


Gears of War 4 - June Update Icon

Gnasher Mastery

You proved your mastery with the Gnasher!


Gears of War 4 - June Update Icon

Lancer Mastery

You proved your mastery with the Lancer!


Gears of War 4 - November Update

Achievements Summary: 0/15 (0%)

Gears of War 4 - November Update Icon

Getting the Horn

You all pulled the Horn - and annoyed the hell out of your opponents in the process.


Gears of War 4 - November Update Icon

In Memoriam: Dominic Santiago

You carried momentos of Dom like he carried his picture of Maria. Inspired by Achilles741.


Gears of War 4 - November Update Icon

I've Got The Codes

As any variant of Minh, De-activate the lasers on Security. ARCHIVE: 83B186-22AO3-SF


Gears of War 4 - November Update Icon

Sorry, That's Never Happened To Me Before

You were in and out of a round of Versus real fast. Inspired by Tuhin94.


Gears of War 4 - November Update Icon

Active Lifestyle

You got those actives down and killed 100 opponents with extra umph. Inspired by Gambler125.


Gears of War 4 - November Update Icon

I'll Take That

You took a Power Weapon by force 5 times. Inspired by Rabid Czun.


Gears of War 4 - November Update Icon

Don't Hate The Players

You won 25 matches in 2v2 playlists.


Gears of War 4 - November Update Icon

Got Your Back Like a Butt-Crack

You saved your wingman 10 times in 2v2 playlists!


Gears of War 4 - November Update Icon

Hi, Mom

You visited Anya's Grave in Campaign. Inspired by the community.


Gears of War 4 - November Update Icon

Deadly Resourceful

You killed a Swarmak using a different weapon to pop each Blister. Inspired by Yurgi Windu.


Gears of War 4 - November Update Icon

Judge, Jury and Executioner

You've slayed up in style by performing every unique execution. Inspired by Blowfish666.


Gears of War 4 - November Update Icon

Turn It Up To 11

Earned your first set of Wings at Re-Up 11. Inspired by the community.


Gears of War 4 - November Update Icon

Play The Mode, Not The Player

You played the objective consistently. Nice work! Inspired by DarthDara.


Gears of War 4 - November Update Icon

Winning Wasn't Enough For You?

You and your team styled out that victory, Snub style.


Gears of War 4 - November Update Icon

Kinda Missed 'Em In A Weird Way

You took on new enemies with old friends, and completed Horde with Delta Squad.
